Sunday, 20 April 2008

Online Journal Password

Here you can have free access to most popular Journal hosting, sciencedirect, springerlink, acm portal and etc:

Some may no longer can be use, but worth to try. Don't worry because mostly active. tying to access them on different time zones (Day/Night).

1. Free State Library

Your Surename : Human
Library Patron Number : 200501167710

2. This is access to Library of Fairfield University :

Fairfield ID : ffldulibrary
Password : library123

3. This is access to Morris Library
SIU ID : 212588601

4. Springerlink, to get access please use this account :

Username : crn264vc
Password : library1

5. Austin Library.
card number : 1000223344553 , 1000223344553, 1000223344554 ----------- this one is good, got JSTOR, access on 10PM at night (GMT +7) 12/7/2009

6. Mount Allison University Library.

Username : ajmcdnl
Password : h0ller

Please use above password wisely, don't ever trying to change the password, please share with the others.

Credit goes to owner, thanks for the information.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why do people have to change the password. Cant they be a bit helpful to others?