Saturday, 26 April 2008


Many people have problem to add fund in their alertpay and paypal account, the reason could be alertpay or paypal not support in their country. If you have credit card, you can use it to make payment. But, you must verified it first. How to do that, just go to their and read their help section.

For indonesia only, if you in need to add fund to your alertpay or paypal account. I recommended you go to CosaAranda Changer. Clik here

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Looking for Internet Easy and Free SMS?

If you are looking for easy and free website that provide sms to all around the world or just to your local friends (GSM only), here is the answer Voip-Phone.

In order to use their services, you just need a simple register step, no activation needed, no need to accumulate points, just enter your email and not more than 1 minute you can enjoy free sms to any GSM mobile around the world.

Please don't use it to spam others, don't use it for bad things. ok enjoy it.

Online Journal Password

Here you can have free access to most popular Journal hosting, sciencedirect, springerlink, acm portal and etc:

Some may no longer can be use, but worth to try. Don't worry because mostly active. tying to access them on different time zones (Day/Night).

1. Free State Library

Your Surename : Human
Library Patron Number : 200501167710

2. This is access to Library of Fairfield University :

Fairfield ID : ffldulibrary
Password : library123

3. This is access to Morris Library
SIU ID : 212588601

4. Springerlink, to get access please use this account :

Username : crn264vc
Password : library1

5. Austin Library.
card number : 1000223344553 , 1000223344553, 1000223344554 ----------- this one is good, got JSTOR, access on 10PM at night (GMT +7) 12/7/2009

6. Mount Allison University Library.

Username : ajmcdnl
Password : h0ller

Please use above password wisely, don't ever trying to change the password, please share with the others.

Credit goes to owner, thanks for the information.
